What is an Energy Audit?

An Energy Audit is a thorough assessment conducted to scrutinise and optimise the energy consumption of a business or organisation. By evaluating energy usage within buildings and facilities, these audits pinpoint areas where energy efficiency can be enhanced, thereby not only reducing operating costs but also minimising environmental impact. Energy audits are instrumental in detecting inefficiencies, offering strategic recommendations for improvement, and aligning with energy efficiency standards, ensuring that businesses can operate more sustainably while cutting down on costs.

Energy Audit Services

EPConsult Energies provides bespoke Energy Audit Services, tailoring each audit to meet the unique requirements and objectives of your business. Our approach begins with setting clear objectives and defining the terms of reference (ToR) for your energy audit. We meticulously review your existing documentation, assess your facilities and consumption patterns, and consult with key personnel to gain a comprehensive understanding of your energy profile. Our services span from Preliminary Audits, which offer an initial energy consumption overview, to Complete Audits and Investment Audits, delving deeper into energy usage and identifying potential areas for cost-effective energy savings. Our audits focus on Significant Energy Users (SEUs) within your organisation, encompassing optimisation of lighting, HVAC systems, boilers, and more, for buildings, and burners, heat pumps, and heat exchanger networks for process plants.

What Does ESOS Stand For?

ESOS stands for the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme.


Savings Opportunity Scheme

The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory energy assessment and energy-saving identification scheme for large organisations in the UK. This scheme mandates non-SMEs to conduct regular, comprehensive energy audits, identifying avenues for energy-saving measures that are not only cost-effective but also beneficial in reducing the carbon footprint. Although ESOS may initially appear as an administrative obligation, it presents an invaluable opportunity to uncover and capitalise on significant energy-saving prospects across your organisation. EPConsult Energies specialises in navigating these requirements, offering expert guidance to ensure you meet your ESOS commitments, highlight the potential benefits, and demonstrate the effective techniques of energy auditing. We support you in implementing the recommended changes, conducting a financial analysis to assess the investment against the benefits, and prioritising the changes to drive your organisation towards a more sustainable and cost-efficient future.

For more information on how we can assist you with your ESOS requirements, contact us via phone or email today.