An environmental and social assessment is a process to identify, predict and evaluate the potential environmental and social effects of a proposed project. This process happens before decisions about a proposed project are made.
EPConsult Energies experience in the field of environmental and social assessment process spans the entire project life cycle from environmental screening, scoping, design review workshops/ENVID, detailed environmental/social baseline surveys, environmental impact assessment/modelling, mitigation/monitoring measures, through to compliance monitoring and auditing during the construction, operational and decommissioning phases of the project.
Our environmental and consultancy services include the following:
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
Environmental Baseline Surveys and Monitoring (Water, Air, Noise, Marine and Terrestrial Ecology, Soil and Groundwater).
Environmental modelling (air, noise, hydrodynamic, groundwater, etc).
Drones surveys and habitat mapping.
BAT/IPCC studies, assessment, and cost-benefit analysis.
GIS support services/mapping.
Environmental Management & Monitoring Plans (EM&MP).
Ecology and biodiversity consultancy services.
Habitat Compensation and Management Plans (HC&MP).
Energy Audits and Management.
Sustainability and Green Building Science and Engineering.
EPConsult Energies works across various sectors with a diverse group of clients including government agencies, engineering firms, contractors and private corporations.
Our key sectors include:
Oil and Gas (Upstream, Downstream, Offshore, Onshore).
Ports and Harbors.
Utilities and Infrastructure.
Power and Energy.
Renewable energy projects.
Developments (Coastal, Waterfront, Residential).
Transport (Roads, Bridges, Marine, Rail/Underground, Airports).
Dredging and Marine Operations.